Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.38.
A young normal fault ( 2 ) cuts
and displaces an old normal
fault ( 1 ). An offset marker sur-
face is shaded . Displacement
on each fault is dip slip of a
constant amount. The displace-
ment of the offset geological
line is the slip on fault 2
Fig. 8.39.
Structure contour maps based
on the geometry of the struc-
ture in Fig. 8.38. Both maps
are at the same scale. Fault 2 is
through-going and displaces
fault 1 down dip 300 units to
the south. a The marker hori-
zon. b Portions of both faults
in the vicinity of the offset
marker horizon
Fig. 8.40. Zone of combined stratigraphic separation on younger fault B . Fault A is displaced by fault B .
a Two normal faults. b Two reverse faults
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