Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 12
ETF WSN Testbed: Practical Health Enhancing
Application of Wireless Sensor Networks
Zoran Babović, Aleksandar Crnjin, Goran Rakočević,
Stanislava Stanković, and Veljko Milutinović
This chapter outlines the efforts of ETF Belgrade's team of students during the
course of FP7 project PROSENSE. The project called upon ETF's young research-
ers and students to look into possible ways to use emerging sensor network technol-
ogy for enhancement of personal and public health. ETF's researchers responded
with a variety of proposed applications, ranging from a fitness monitoring applica-
tion (Smart Running Track), to environmental hazard monitoring/avoidance
(Interactive Street Sensing) and a middleware component for sensor network inte-
gration (Prosense Common Gateway).
The Smart Running Track
The Smart Running Track is a sensor network application targeted at personal
health enhancement through observation of runners' body parameters (such as ECG
and oxygen blood concentration) and fitness parameters (average and current
speed, amount of calories burned) in order to provide feedback to runners and,
optionally, trained advice from a physician.
Originally, the Smart Running Track was conceived as a three-part spatially
distributed application, running on sensor nodes, mobile phones, and a desktop
computer. Sensor nodes were supposed to communicate with mobile phones
through Bluetooth radio and with a laptop computer through a gateway sensor
node, via ZigBee radio. Unfortunately, the only sensor node technology to provide
sensor nodes equipped with both Bluetooth and ZigBee radios - Shimmer
Research's SHIMMERs - is designed with both radios sharing the same data bus,
the consequence of which being the fact that the two radios cannot be used at the
same time. Because of this limitation, and observed poor performance of Bluetooth
connection in the presence of Wireless LAN and noticeably different performance
when running as opposed to standing or walking, the SRT team has chosen to focus
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