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The application uses a centralized server that is a web, data, and processing server
at the same time. It is equipped with Microsoft IIS Web server hosting the web appli-
cation, Java execution environment, and Sun Spot SDK holding the main process for
collecting the data and Microsoft SQLExpress as a data warehouse. The client
accesses the service by using a web browser. The remote Sun SPOTs communicate
with the Base Station connected to the server, which saves records in different data-
bases according to the SPOT's ID and its relevant application. Those records are
afterward used from the web application to visualize the data. Fig. 11.2 presents the
start page of the web application's GUI ( ).
The complete solution comprises:
Web-based ASP.NET web application consisting of flash animations, Ajax
scripts, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and other tools for visualization.
Database reader component part of the application used to read database records
and display them depending on the scenario's requirements.
Java daemon process running on J2SE and using Sun SPOT SDK that connects
with the Base Station(s) and acquires the data, parses, and manipulates it and
finally stores it in a database.
Microsoft SQL Database, used to host records from the sensed environment.
The web application's GUI visualizes the five usage scenarios. Each scenario has a
separate database and a different GUI (accessed through the start page) and can be
Fig. 11.2 FEEIT's GUI Start Page
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