Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
water; and, in fact, it is very probable that such changes have occurred within a few centur-
The united lengths of these volcanic belts is about ninety degrees, or one-fourth of the en-
tire circumference of the globe. Their width is about fifty miles; but, for a space of two hun-
dred on each side of them, evidences of subterranean action are to be found in recently elev-
ated coral-rock, or in barrier coral-reefs, indicating recent submergence. In the very centre
or focus of the great curve of volcanoes is placed the large island of Borneo, in which no
sign of recent volcanic action has yet been observed, and where earthquakes, so characterist-
ic of the surrounding regions, are entirely unknown. The equally large island of New Guinea
occupies another quiescent area, on which no sign of volcanic action has yet been dis-
covered. With the exception of the eastern end of its northern peninsula, the large and curi-
ously shaped island of Celebes is also entirely free from volcanoes; and there is some reason
to believe that the volcanic portion has once formed a separate island. The Malay Peninsula
is also non-volcanic.
The first and most obvious division of the Archipelago would therefore be into quiescent
and volcanic regions, and it might, perhaps, be expected that such a division would corres-
pond to some differences in the character of the vegetation and the forms of life. This is the
case, however, to a very limited extent; and we shall presently see that, although this devel-
opment of subterranean fires is on so vast a scale,—has piled up chains of mountains ten or
twelve thousand feet high—has broken up continents and raised up islands from the
ocean,—yet it has all the character of a recent action, which has not yet succeeded in oblit-
erating the traces of a more ancient distribution of land and water.
Contrasts of Vegetation
Placed immediately upon the Equator and surrounded by extensive oceans, it is not surpris-
ing that the various islands of the Archipelago should be almost always clothed with a forest
vegetation from the level of the sea to the summits of the loftiest mountains. This is the gen-
eral rule. Sumatra, New Guinea, Borneo, the Philippines and the Moluccas, and the uncul-
tivated parts of Java and Celebes, are all forest countries, except a few small and unimport-
ant tracts, due perhaps, in some cases, to ancient cultivation or accidental fires. To this,
however, there is one important exception in the island of Timor and all the smaller islands
around it, in which there is absolutely no forest such as exists in the other islands, and this
character extends in a lesser degree to Flores, Sumbawa, Lombock, and Bali.
In Timor the most common trees are Eucalypti of several species, so characteristic of
Australia, with sandal-wood, acacia, and other sorts in less abundance. These are scattered
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