Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Lombock: How the Rajah Took the Census
The Rajah of Lombock was a very wise man, and he showed his wisdom greatly in the way
he took the census. For my readers must know that the chief revenues of the Rajah were de-
rived from a head-tax of rice, a small measure being paid annually by every man, woman,
and child in the island. There was no doubt that every one paid this tax, for it was a very light
one, and the land was fertile and the people well off; but it had to pass through many hands
before it reached the Government storehouses. When the harvest was over the villagers
brought their rice to the Kapala kampong, or head of the village; and no doubt he sometimes
had compassion on the poor or sick and passed over their short measure, and sometimes was
obliged to grant a favour to those who had complaints against him; and then he must keep up
his own dignity by having his granaries better filled than his neighbours, and so the rice that
he took to the 'Waidono' that was over his district was generally a good deal less than it
should have been. And all the 'Waidonos' had of course to take care of themselves, for they
were all in debt and it was so easy to take a little of the Government rice, and there would
still be plenty for the Rajah. And the 'Gustis' or princes who received the rice from the
Waidonos helped themselves likewise, and so when the harvest was all over and the rice trib-
ute was all brought in, the quantity was found to be less each year than the one before. Sick-
ness in one district, and fevers in another, and failure of the crops in a third, were of course
alleged as the cause of this falling off; but when the Rajah went to hunt at the foot of the
great mountain, or went to visit a 'Gusti' on the other side of the island, he always saw the
villages full of people, all looking well-fed and happy. And he noticed that the krisses of his
chiefs and officers were getting handsomer and handsomer; and the handles that were of yel-
low wood were changed for ivory, and those of ivory were changed for gold, and diamonds
and emeralds sparkled on many of them; and he knew very well which way the tribute-rice
went. But as he could not prove it he kept silence, and resolved in his own heart some day to
have a census taken, so that he might know the number of his people, and not be cheated out
of more rice than was just and reasonable.
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