Database Reference
In-Depth Information
INSERT INTO census . hisp_pop ( @ tcols )
SELECT @ tload FROM census . facts
WHERE fact_type_id IN ( @ fact_types ) AND yr = 2010
GROUP BY tract_id ;
The lesson to take away from Example 4-2 is that you can dynamically append SQL
fragments into a variable.
Graphical Explain
One of the great gems in pgAdmin is its at-a-glance graphical explain of the query plan.
You can access the graphical explain plan by opening up an SQL query window, writing
a query, and clicking the explain icon (
If we run the query:
SELECT left ( tract_id , 5 ) As county_code , SUM ( hispanic_or_latino ) As tot ,
SUM ( white_alone ) As tot_white ,
SUM ( COALESCE ( hispanic_or_latino , 0 ) - COALESCE ( white_alone , 0 )) AS non_white
FROM census . hisp_pop
GROUP BY county_code
ORDER BY county_code ;
we will get the graphical explain shown in Figure 4-16 . Here's a quick tip for reading
the graphical explain: trim the fat! The fatter the arrow, the longer a step takes to com‐
Figure 4-16. Graphical explain example
Graphical explain is disabled if Query→Explain→Buffers is enabled. So make sure to
uncheck buffers before trying a graphical explain. In addition to the graphical explain,
the Data Output tab shows the textual explain plan, which for this example looks like:
GroupAggregate (cost=111.29..151.93 rows=1478 width=20)
Output: ("left"((tract_id)::text, 5)), sum(hispanic_or_latino),
sum(white_alone), ...
-> Sort (cost=111.29..114.98 rows=1478 width=20)
Output: tract_id, hispanic_or_latino, white_alone,
("left"((tract_id)::text, 5)) Sort Key: ("left"((tract_id)::text, 5)) ->
Seq Scan on census.hisp_pop (cost=0.00..33.48 rows=1478 width=20) Output:
tract_id, hispanic_or_latino , white_alone, "left"((tract_id)::text, 5)
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