Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Example 3-10. Import dir listing with psql
\connect postgresql_book
CREATE TABLE dir_list (filename text);
\copy dir_list FROM PROGRAM 'dir C:\projects /b'
Hubert Lubaczewski has more examples of using \copy . Visit Depesz: Piping copy to
from an external program .
Basic Reporting
Believe it or not, psql is capable of producing basic HTML reports. Try the following
and check out the HTML output, shown in Figure 3-1 .
psql -d postgresql_book -H -c
"SELECT category, count(*) As num_per_cat
FROM pg_settings
WHERE category LIKE '%Query%'
GROUP BY category
ORDER BY category;" -o test.html
Figure 3-1. Minimalist HTML report
Not too shabby. But the command outputs only an HTML table, not a fully qualified
HTML document. To create a meatier report, compose a script, as shown in
Example 3-11 .
Example 3-11. Settings report content of settings_report.psql
\o settings_report.html
\T 'cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0'
\qecho '<html><head><style>H2{color:maroon}</style>'
\qecho '<title>PostgreSQL Settings</title></head><body>'
\qecho '<table><tr valign=''top''><td><h2>Planner Settings</h2>'
\x on
\t on
\pset format html
SELECT category, string_agg(name || '=' || setting, E'\n' ORDER BY name) As set-
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