Database Reference
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SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity ;
Additionally, the command provides details of the last query running on each con‐
nection, the connected user ( usename ), the database ( datname ) in use, and the start
times of the query. You need this view to grab the process IDs of connections that
you want to terminate.
2. Now cancel all active queries on a connection:
SELECT pg_cancel_backend ( procid )
This does not terminate the connection itself, though.
3. Kill the connection:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend ( procid )
If you have not canceled the queries on the connection, they are all rudely termi‐
nated now. This will be your weapon of choice prior to a restore to prevent an eager
user from immediately restarting a canceled query.
PostgreSQL lets you embed functions that perform actions within a regular SELECT
query. So, although pg_terminate_backend and pg_cancel_backend can act on only
one connection at a time, you can kill multiple connections by wrapping them in a
SELECT . For example, let's suppose you want to kill all connections belonging to a role
with a single blow. Run this SQL command on version 9.2 and later:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend ( pid ) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename =
' some_role ' ;
or before version 9.2:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend ( procpid ) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename =
' some_role ' ;
The pg_stat_activity view has changed considerably since version 9.1 with the re‐
naming and addition of new columns. procpid is now pid .
PostgreSQL represents accounts as roles . Roles that can log in are called login roles . Roles
can be members of other roles; roles that contain other roles are called group roles . (And
yes, group roles can be members of other group roles and so on ad infinitum, but don't
go there unless you have a knack for hierarchical thinking.) Roles that are group and
can log in are called group login roles . However, for easier maintainability and security,
DBAs generally don't grant login rights to group roles. A role can be designated as
superuser . Superuser roles have unfettered access to the PostgreSQL service.
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