Database Reference
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unit tells you the measurement unit reported by the settings. This is sometimes
confusing when it comes to memory because, as you can see in Example 2-2 ,
some are reported in 8 KB units and some just in KB. In postgresql.conf , usually,
you deliberately set these to a unit of measurement of your choice; 128 MB is a
good candidate. You can also get a more human-readable display of a particular
setting by running a statement such as SHOW effective_cache_size; or SHOW
maintenance_work_mem; , both of which display settings in MBs. If you want to
see all settings in friendly units, use SHOW ALL .
setting is the current setting; boot_val is the default setting; reset_val is the
new setting if you were to restart or reload the server. Make sure that after any
change you make to postgresql.conf , setting and reset_val are the same. If they
are not, the server is still in need of a restart or reload.
Pay special attention to the following network settings in postgresql.conf ; changing their
values requires a service restart.
If you are running version 9.4 or later, the same-named settings in take precedence over the ones in postgresql.conf .
Informs PostgreSQL which IP addresses to listen on. This usually defaults to lo
calhost or local , but many people change it to * , meaning all available IP ad‐
Defaults to 5432. If you happen to be on Red Hat or CentOS, make changes to the
PGPORT value /etc/sysconfig/pgsql/ your_service_name_here to change the listening
The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed.
In our experience, we found the following three settings to affect performance across
the board and might be worthy of experimentation for your particular setup:
Defines the amount of memory shared among all connections to store recently
accessed pages. This setting profoundly affects the speed of your queries. You want
this setting to be fairly high, probably as much as 25% of your onboard memory.
However, you'll generally see diminishing returns after more than 8 GB. Changes
require a restart.
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