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We now rewrite the query using CASE . You'll find that the economized query, shown in
Example 9-15 , is generally faster and much easier to read.
Example 9-15. Using CASE instead of subqueries
SELECT T . tract_id , COUNT ( * ) As tot ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN F . fact_type_id = 131 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS type_1
FROM census . lu_tracts AS T LEFT JOIN census . facts AS F
ON T . tract_id = F . tract_id
GROUP BY T . tract_id ;
Figure 9-8 shows the graphical plan of Example 9-15 .
Figure 9-8. Graphical EXPLAIN of using CASE instead
Even though our rewritten query still doesn't use the fact_type index, it's faster than
using subqueries because the planner scans the facts table only once. A shorter plan
is generally not only easier to comprehend but also often performs better than a longer
one, although not always.
Using Filter Instead of CASE
PostgreSQL 9.4 offers the new FILTER construct, which we introduced in “FILTER
Clause for Aggregates” on page 131 . FILTER can often replace CASE in aggregate ex‐
pressions. Not only is this syntax pleasanter to look at, but in many cases performs better.
We repeat Example 9-15 with the equivalent filter version in Example 9-16 .
Example 9-16. Using CASE instead of subqueries
SELECT T . tract_id , COUNT ( * ) As tot ,
COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE F . fact_type_id = 131 ) AS type_1
FROM census . lu_tracts AS T LEFT JOIN census . facts AS F
ON T . tract_id = F . tract_id
GROUP BY T . tract_id ;
For this particular example, the FILTER performance is only about a millisecond faster
than our CASE version, and the plans are more or less the same.
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