Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Details about this setting can be found at Random Page Cost Revisited . The article
suggests the following settings:
• High-end NAS/SAN: 2.5 or 3.0
• Amazon EBS and Heroku: 2.0
• iSCSI and other mediocre SANs: 6.0, but varies widely
• SSDs: 2.0 to 2.5
• NvRAM (or NAND): 1.5
If you execute a complex query that takes a while to run, subsequent runs are often
much faster. Thank caching. If the same query executes in sequence, by the same user
or different users, and no changes have been made to the underlying data, you should
get back the same result. As long as there's space in memory to cache the data, the planner
can skip replanning or reretrieving. Using common table expressions and immutable
functions in your queries encourages caching.
How do you check what's in the current cache? If you are running PostgreSQL 9.1 or
later, you can install the pg_buffercache extension:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache ;
You can then run a query against the pg_buffercache view, as shown in Example 9-11 .
Example 9-11. Are my table rows in buffer cache?
C . relname ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN B . isdirty THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) As dirty_buffers ,
COUNT ( * ) As num_buffers
pg_class AS C INNER JOIN
pg_buffercache B ON C . relfilenode = B . relfilenode INNER JOIN
pg_database D ON B . reldatabase = D . oid AND D . datname = current_database ()
WHERE C . relname IN ( 'facts' , 'lu_fact_types' )
GROUP BY C . relname ;
Example 9-11 returns the number of buffered pages of the facts and lu_fact_types
tables. Of course, to actually see buffered rows, you need to run a query. Try this one:
SELECT T . fact_subcats [ 2 ], COUNT ( * ) As num_fact
FROM census . facts As F INNER JOIN census . lu_fact_types AS T ON F . fact_type_id =
T . fact_type_id
GROUP BY T . fact_subcats [ 2 ];
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