Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The extensions are compiled against a specific minor version of Python. You should
install the minor version of Python that matches what your plpythonu extensions were
compiled against. For example, if your plpython2u was compiled against Python 2.7,
you should install Python 2.7.
Basic Python Function
PostgreSQL automatically converts PostgreSQL data types to Python data types and
back. PL/Python is capable of returning arrays and composite types. You can use PL/
Python to write triggers and create aggregate functions. We've demonstrated some of
these in the Postgres OnLine Journal, in PL/Python Examples .
Python allows you to perform feats that aren't possible in PL/pgSQL. In Example 8-12 ,
we demonstrate how to write a PL/Python function to do a text search of the online
PostgreSQL document site.
Example 8-12. Searching PostgreSQL documents using PL/Python
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION postgresql_help_search ( param_search text )
import urllib , re
response = urllib . urlopen (
'' + param_search
raw_html = response . read ()
result = raw_html [ raw_html . find ( "<!-- docbot goes here -->" ) : raw_html . find ( "<!--
pgContentWrap -->" ) - 1 ]
result = re . sub ( '<[^<]+?>' , '' , result ). strip ()
return result
Imports the libraries we'll be using.
Performs a search after concatenating the search term.
Reads the response and saves the retrieved HTML to a variable called raw_html .
Saves the part of the raw_html that starts with <!-- docbot goes here --> and
ends just before the beginning of <!-- pgContentWrap --> into a new variable
called result .
Removes leading and trailing HTML symbols and whitespace.
Returns result .
Calling Python functions is no different from calling functions written in other lan‐
guages. In Example 8-13 , we use the function we created in Example 8-12 to output the
result with three search terms.
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