Database Reference
In-Depth Information
cte is the name of the CTE in Example 7-28 , defined using a SELECT statement to contain
three columns: tract_id , county_code , and cnt_tracts . The main SELECT refers to
the CTE.
You can stuff as many CTEs as you like, separated by commas, in the WITH clause, as
shown in Example 7-29 . The order of the CTEs matters in that CTEs defined later can
call CTEs defined earlier, but not vice versa.
Example 7-29. Multiple CTEs
cte1 AS (
tract_id ,
substring ( tract_id , 1 , 5 ) As county_code ,
COUNT ( * ) OVER ( PARTITION BY substring ( tract_id , 1 , 5 )) As cnt_tracts
FROM census . lu_tracts
cte2 AS (
MAX ( tract_id ) As last_tract ,
county_code ,
FROM cte1
WHERE cnt_tracts < 8 GROUP BY county_code , cnt_tracts
SELECT c . last_tract , f . fact_type_id , f . val
FROM census . facts As f INNER JOIN cte2 c ON f . tract_id = c . last_tract ;
Writable CTEs
The writable CTE was introduced in version 9.1 and extends the CTE to allow for update,
delete, and insert statements. We'll revisit our logs tables that we created in
Example 6-2 , adding another child table and populating it:
CREATE TABLE logs_2011_01_02 (
PRIMARY KEY ( log_id ),
CHECK ( log_ts >= '2011-01-01' AND log_ts < '2011-03-01' )
INHERITS ( logs_2011 );
In Example 7-30 , we move data from our parent 2011 table to our new child Jan-Feb
2011 table. The ONLY keyword is described in “Restricting DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT
from Inherited Tables” on page 127 and the RETURNING keyword in “Returning Affected
Records to the User” on page 128 .
Example 7-30. Writable CTE moving data from one branch to another
DELETE FROM ONLY logs_2011 WHERE log_ts < '2011-03-01' RETURNING *
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