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The key observation to make in the output is how the sum changes from row to row.
The ORDER BY clause means that the sum will be taken only from the beginning of the
partition to the current row, giving you a running total, where the location of the current
row in the list is dictated by the ORDER BY . For instance, if your row is in the fifth row
in the third partition, the sum will cover only the first five rows in the third partition.
We put an ORDER BY left(tract_id,5), val at the end of the query so you could
easily see the pattern, but keep in mind that the ORDER BY of the query is independent
of the ORDER BY in each OVER clause.
You can explicitly control the rows under consideration by adding a RANGE or ROWS
PostgreSQL also supports window naming, which is useful if you have the same window
for each of your window columns. Example 7-27 demonstrates how to name windows,
as well as how to use the LEAD and LAG window functions to show a record value before
and after for a given partition.
Example 7-27. Naming windows, demonstrating LEAD and LAG
ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( wt ) As rnum ,
substring ( tract_id , 1 , 5 ) As county_code ,
tract_id ,
LAG ( tract_id , 2 ) OVER wt As tract_2_before ,
LEAD ( tract_id ) OVER wt As tract_after
FROM census . lu_tracts
WINDOW wt AS ( PARTITION BY substring ( tract_id , 1 , 5 ) ORDER BY tract_id )
) As x
WHERE rnum BETWEEN 2 and 3 AND county_code IN ( '25007' , '25025' )
ORDER BY county_code , rnum ;
rnum | county_code | tract_id | tract_2_before | tract_after
2 | 25007 | 25007200200 | | 25007200300
3 | 25007 | 25007200300 | 25007200100 | 25007200400
2 | 25025 | 25025000201 | | 25025000202
3 | 25025 | 25025000202 | 25025000100 | 25025000301
Naming our window wt window.
Using our window name instead of retyping.
Both LEAD and LAG take an optional step argument that defines how many rows to skip
forward or backward; the step can be positive or negative. LEAD and LAG return NULL
when trying to retrieve rows outside the window partition. This is a possibility that you
always have to account for.
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