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25003900300 | 1211.000 | 1438.2307692307692308
Window functions also allow an ORDER BY in the OVER clause. Without getting too ab‐
struse, the best way to think about this is that all the rows in the window will be ordered
as indicated by ORDER BY , and the window function will consider only rows that range
from the first row in the window up to and including the current row in the window or
partition. The classic example uses the ROW_NUMBER function to sequentially number
rows. In Example 7-25 , we demonstrate how to number our census tracts in alphabetical
order. To arrive at the row number, ROW_NUMBER counts all rows up to and including
current row based on the order dictated by the ORDER BY .
Example 7-25. Numbering using ROW_NUMBER window function
SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY tract_name ) As rnum , tract_name
FROM census . lu_tracts
rnum | tract_name
1 | Census Tract 1, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
2 | Census Tract 1001, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
3 | Census Tract 1002, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
4 | Census Tract 1003, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
In Example 7-25 , we also have an ORDER BY for the entire query. Don't get confused
between this and the ORDER BY that's specific to the window function.
You can combine ORDER BY with PARTITION BY , restarting the ordering for each parti‐
tion. Example 7-26 returns to our example of county codes.
Example 7-26. Combining PARTITION BY and ORDER BY
SELECT tract_id , val ,
SUM ( val ) OVER ( PARTITION BY left ( tract_id , 5 ) ORDER BY val ) As sum_county_ordered
FROM census . facts
WHERE fact_type_id = 2
ORDER BY left ( tract_id , 5 ), val ;
tract_id | val | sum_county_ordered
25001014100 | 226.000 | 226.000
25001011700 | 971.000 | 1197.000
25001010208 | 984.000 | 2181.000
25003933200 | 564.000 | 564.000
25003934200 | 593.000 | 1157.000
25003931300 | 606.000 | 1763.000
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