Database Reference
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fact, you might come across their versatility by accident when making a typo in an SQL
statement. Try the following query:
SELECT x FROM census . lu_fact_types As x LIMIT 2 ;
At first glance, you might think that we left out a .* by accident, but check out the result:
(87,Population,"{D002,Total:,""Not Hispanic or Latino:""}",d002)
Instead of erroring out, the preceding example returns the canonical representation of
a lu_fact_type data type. Looking at the first record: 86 is the fact_type_id , Popula
tion is the category , and {D001,Total:} is the fact_subcats property, which happens
to be an array. Composites can serve as input to several useful functions, among which
are array_agg and hstore (a function packaged with the hstore extension that converts
a row into a key-value hstore object).
If you are using version 9.2 or higher and are building Ajax applications, you can take
advantage of the built-in JSON support and use a combination of array_agg and ar
ray_to_json to output a query as a single JSON object. We demonstrate this in
Example 7-16 .
Example 7-16. Query to JSON output
SELECT array_to_json ( array_agg ( f )) As cat
SELECT MAX ( fact_type_id ) As max_type , category
FROM census . lu_fact_types
GROUP BY category
) As f ;
This will give you an output of:
Collects all these f rows into one composite array of f s.
Defines a subquery with name f . f can then be used to reference each row in
the subquery.
In version 9.3, the json_agg function chains together array_to_json and array_agg ,
offering both convenience and speed. In Example 7-17 , we repeat Example 7-16 using
json_agg . Example 7-17 will have the same output as Example 7-16 .
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