Database Reference
In-Depth Information
data type, which is a binary form of JSON that can also take advantage of indexes. We'll
cover mostly JSON functions and operators introduced in version 9.3. We'll also show
you how to use jsonb , functions it shares with its json brethren, and new operators it
supports. Refer to JSON Functions and Operators for a full listing.
Inserting JSON Data
To create a table to hold json objects, define a column as a json type:
CREATE TABLE families_j ( id serial PRIMARY KEY , profile json );
Example 5-23 inserts JSON data. PostgreSQL will validate the input to make sure what
you are adding is valid JSON.
Example 5-23. Populating JSON field
INSERT INTO families_j ( profile ) VALUES (
'{"name":"Gomez", "members":[
{"member":{"relation":"padre", "name":"Alex"}},
{"member":{"relation":"madre", "name":"Sonia"}},
{"member":{"relation":"hijo", "name":"Brandon"}},
{"member":{"relation":"hija", "name":"Azaleah"}}
]}' );
You can't cast invalid JSON strings to the json type, nor can you
store invalid JSON strings in a json column. PostgreSQL conducts
background checks to ensure that the JSON string is well-behaved
before letting it take up residency in the database.
Querying JSON
New in version 9.3 are various functions for inspecting JSON data. Example 5-24 uses
json_extract_path , json_array_elements , and json_extract_path_text to obtain
family members.
Example 5-24. Query subelements
SELECT json_extract_path_text ( profile , 'name' ) As family , json_ex
tract_path_text ( json_array_elements ( json_extract_path ( profile , 'mem
bers' ) ), 'member' , 'name' ) As member
FROM families_j ;
family |member
Gomez |Alex
Gomez |Sonia
Gomez |Brandon
Gomez |Azaleah
Return name of family as text.
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