Database Reference
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Range Operators
Two range operators tend to be used more often than all others: overlap ( && ) and con‐
tains ( @> ). To see the full catalog of range operators, go to Range Operators .
Overlap operator
As the name suggests, the overlap operator && returns true if two ranges have any values
in common. Example 5-21 demonstrates this operator as well as putting to use the
string_agg function for aggregating the list of employees into a single text field.
Example 5-21. Who worked with whom?
SELECT e1 . employee , string_agg ( DISTINCT e2 . employee , ', ' ORDER BY e2 . employee ) As
FROM employment As e1 INNER JOIN employment As e2
ON e1 . period && e2 . period
WHERE e1 . employee <> e2 . employee
GROUP BY e1 . employee ;
employee | colleagues
Alex | Leo, Regina, Sonia
Leo | Alex, Regina
Regina | Alex, Leo
Sonia | Alex
Contains and contained in operators
In the contains operator ( @> ), the first argument is a range and the second is a value. If
the second is within the first, the contains operator returns true. Example 5-22 dem‐
onstrates its use.
Example 5-22. Who is currently working?
SELECT employee FROM employment WHERE period @> CURRENT_DATE GROUP BY employee ;
The reverse of the contains operator is the contained operator ( <@ ), whose first argument
is the value and the second the range.
JSON data type and support functions came on the scene with version 9.2. JSON is a
popular data type for web applications, as it serves as the lingua franca for data in
JavaScript. Version 9.3 significantly beefed up JSON support with new functions for
extracting, editing, and casting to other data types. Version 9.4 introduced the jsonb
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