Database Reference
In-Depth Information
You can convert delimited strings to an array with the string_to_array function, as
demonstrated in Example 5-13 .
Example 5-13. Converting a delimited string to an array
SELECT string_to_array ( '' , '.' ) As estados ;
array_agg is a variant aggregate function that can take a set of any data type and convert
it to an array, as demonstrated in Example 5-14 .
Example 5-14. Using array_agg
SELECT array_agg ( log_ts ORDER BY log_ts ) As x
FROM logs
WHERE log_ts BETWEEN '2011-01-01' :: timestamptz AND '2011-01-15' :: timestamptz ;
{'2011-01-01', '2011-01-13', '2011-01-14'}
Referencing Elements in an Array
Elements in arrays are most commonly referenced using the index of the element. Post‐
greSQL array indexes start at 1. If you try to access an element above the upper bound,
you won't get an error—only NULL will be returned. The next example grabs the first
and last element of our array column:
SELECT fact_subcats [ 1 ] AS primero ,
fact_subcats [ array_upper ( fact_subcats , 1 )] As segundo
FROM census . lu_fact_types ;
We used the array_upper function to get the upper bound of the array. The second,
required parameter of the function indicates the dimension. In our case, our array is
one-dimensional, but PostgreSQL does support multidimensional arrays.
Array Slicing and Splicing
PostgreSQL also supports array slicing using the start:end syntax. It returns another
array that is a subarray of the original. For example, to return new arrays that just contain
elements 2 through 4 of each original array, type:
SELECT fact_subcats [ 2 : 4 ] FROM census . lu_fact_types ;
To glue two arrays together end to end, use the concatenation operator || :
SELECT fact_subcats [ 1 : 2 ] || fact_subcats [ 3 : 4 ] FROM census . lu_fact_types ;
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