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Set Clear Targets
Most global health initiatives set very precise targets with statistics and deadlines.
this focus not only conveys the extent of the problem and a sense of urgency to
eliminate the disease, but also signifies that there is a knowledge base for the amount
and type of activities that should be pursued. established targets indicate that there is
a strong consensus on what needs to be done and how to do so. not too long ago the
governance question was what needed to be done. Now, as reflected by the existence
of the global health initiatives themselves, it is increasingly a matter of getting it
done. commissions that have considered health and related issues such as social
determinants and economic costs have given these answers; global health initiatives,
by using goals, stimulate targeted action.
Provide Coherence and Coordination
by setting a global strategy, elevating the issue, leveraging resources, and maintaining
a central point for the comparison of donor contributions and targets, global health
initiatives make progress in the coherence and coordination of development
strategies. For some time policy makers have grappled with the challenges of aid
effectiveness, culminating in the Un's International conference on Financing for
Development at Monterrey in 2002, where a major part of the discussions focussed
on addressing systemic issues: 'enhancing the coherence and consistency of the
international monetary, financial and trading systems in support of development'
(Un 2002, 12). with traditional mechanisms, such as oDa, this approach can
be quite difficult as styles of implementation and priorities vary from country to
country. However, with global vehicles, as showcased by global health initiatives,
the strategy is global and implementation streamlined, with great potential to limit
duplication and the proliferation of donor meetings.
The Problems Represented by Global Health Initiatives
there are some core problems with the healthcare systems in developing countries,
which are exacerbated by global health initiatives, despite their being a positive
influence on the governance process for eradicating infectious disease. Simply put,
many developing countries do not have anything near adequate resources. there
are not enough practitioners in developing countries, nor are there enough facilities
for their citizens. Without core health services, the well-being of a population is in
jeopardy. Global health initiatives are not designed to address this central problem;
they are meant to deliver vertical programmes to resolve emergencies that have
appeared within a system that was not previously equipped to respond. the problems
most exacerbated by this practice are internal brain drain, diminished capacity
building, and short-term versus long-term vision. all need alternative programmes,
most notably through oDa.
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