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1 the Global Fund to Fight aIDS, tuberculosis, and Malaria was launched in 2002 to direct
resources toward fighting three of the world's most devastating diseases. With respect to
the battle to contain HIv, the Global Fund had hoped to provide 62 million with voluntary
counselling and testing services for HIv prevention, to support 1 million orphans through
medical services, education, and community care, and to supply 1.8 million with art
over a five-year period.
2 PEPFAR (2008) was a commitment of US$15 billion over ive years (2003-2008) from
U.S. president George w. Bush to fight the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. As the largest
international health initiative ever initiated by one state to address a single disease, the
programme hopes to prevent 7 million new infections, to provide art to 2 million HIv-
infected people in resource-limited settings, and to support care for 10 million people.
3 The oficial igures the national HIv estimates Process for 2005 and 2003 were
20.1 percent and 24.6 percent respectively (Zimbabwe national Monitoring and
evaluation taskforce 2008).
aIDS Foundation South africa (2008). “HIv/aIDS in South africa.” Durban. <www.aids.
org.za/hiv.htm> (September 2008).
'AIDS in Africa.' (2008). 26 June. Reuters. <www.alertnet.org/db/crisisproiles/HIV_AFR.
htm?v=in_detail> (September 2008).
besada, Hany (2007). 'Fragile Stability: Post-apartheid South africa.' cIGI working Paper 27.
centre for International Governance Innovation, waterloo, on. <www.cigionline.org :
Publications : working Papers> (September 2008).
de waal, alex (2006). AIDS and Power: Why There Is No Political Crisis—Yet . (new York:
Zed books).
Dorrington, rob, leigh Johnson, Debbie bradshaw , et al. (2006a). The Demographic Impact
of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: National and Provincial Indicators for 2006. november.
centre for actuarial research, South african Medical research council, and actuarial
Society of South Africa. <www.mrc.ac.za/bod/DemographicImpactHIVIndicators.pdf>
(September 2008).
Dorrington, rob, leigh Johnson, Debbie bradshaw , et al. (2006b). Summary of Bienniel
Report on the State of the South African HIV/AIDS Epidemic. centre for actuarial research,
South african Medical research council, and actuarial Society of South africa, cape
Town. <www.doh.gov.za/docs/reports/2006/summary.html> (September 2008).
Fourie, Pieter (2006). The Political Management of HIV and AIDS in South Africa: One
Burden Too Many? (new York: Palgrave Macmillan).
Fourie, Pieter and Martin Schönteich (2001). 'africa's new Security threat: HIv/aIDS and
Human Security in Southern africa.' African Security Review, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 29-44.
G8 (2007). 'Growth and responsibility in africa.' 8 June. Heiligendamm. <www.g8.utoronto.
ca/summit/2007heiligendamm/g8-2007-africa.html> (September 2008).
2008hokkaido/2008-summary.html> (September 2008).
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