Graphics Reference
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Exercise 11
1. Start AutoCAD 2010.
2. Open the fi le Exercise_11.dwg .
3. Using the Erase command with Window or Crossing , perform the
following steps:
a. Using Window , try to erase all of the rectangles in the middle. Press
[Enter], then use the Oops command to retain the objects.
b. Using Crossing , try to erase the circles on the right-hand side of the shape.
Press [Enter] and then Undo . Also, try Redo to see the effect.
c. Using a pick box, try to erase the lines of the frame. Press [Enter] and
then use Undo to undo the erasing.
Close the fi le without saving.
1. Which of the following statements are true:
a. Snap will help us control the mouse whereas Grid is complementary to
Snap .
b. Ortho and Direct Distance Entry will help us draw exact orthogonal
c. You can use Direct Distance Entry with Dynamic Input , Ortho , and
Polar Tracking .
d. All of the above.
2. The Arc command in AutoCAD will draw a ________________ arc.
3. Using OTRACK , you can:
a. Specify a point using two existing points.
b. Specify the radius of an arc.
c. Specify the end of an existing line.
d. None of the above.
4. OTRACK doesn't need OSNAP to work.
a. True
b. False
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