Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
If the desired angle is not on the list, simply type your own angle.
Based on this example, users will have rays in angles 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, etc.
Additional Angles
Sometimes, in the design process, you will need some odd angles that the
Increment angle option cannot give you, such as 95 or 115.
The Additional angles option will help you set these odd angles.
Using the same dialog box, check the Additional angles box.
Click the New button and type in the angle.
To delete an existing additional angle, select it and click the Delete
You will have something similar to the following:
AutoCAD will not give the multiples of the additional angles.
Polar Snap
We previously discussed the SNAP command, which helped us to specify
exact points on the X,Y plane using the mouse.
The SNAP command can only help us along the X-axis (+ and -), and along
the Y-axis (+ and -).
If you want to snap to a point along a ray produced by Polar Snap , you have
to change the type of the SNAP from Grid Snap to Polar Snap .
On the Status Bar , switch on SNAP . Right-click on the SNAP button and
select Settings . Under Snap type , select Polar Snap instead of Grid Snap ,
just like the following:
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