Agriculture Reference
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tion;andindeedformanyithasadefinitespiritualbenefit-as George Bernard Shaw once
“The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there.”
Back to SFG..
Square foot gardening is a concept or idea that was promoted back in the 1980's by Mel
Bartholomew whocoined the phrase 'Square Foot Gardening.' Since then it has gone from
strength to strength, as the desire to grow vegetables free from harmful pollutants, as well
as the need to save money and the environment in the process; has gained in popularity.
It is now firmly planted in the gardener's consciousness as a way to maximise vegetable
production whilst employing the minimum of spaces.
The name comes from the idea that a small frame measuring 4 foot by 4 foot, is sufficient
of a small family.
a growing area of 16 square feet, sectioned into square foot spaces. This is an important
aspect of the SFG as it is this intensive rotational method of planting that is the essence of
the whole concept.
Properly planted and cared for, this small area of garden is able to produce an abundance
of vegetables.
The actual construction materials of your SFG can vary widely - as will be discussed
later - but traditionally is a simple framework of timber about 4-6 inches high. The depth
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