Agriculture Reference
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Easy Gardening?
Compared to the traditional way of growing vegetables in long rows straight into the soil,
Square Foot and indeed Raised Bed Gardening, certainly involves a lot less effort in order
to produce significantly larger harvest. The reasons for this are simple, as this list suggests.
• The growing medium in a SFG is much lighter and easier to manage - no
need for heavy digging equipment or back-breaking work to lift weeds.
• The small area involved allowing access from all sides, means that the
plants are easy to maintain and keep in good health thereby producing the
best crop possible.
• Combining Companion Planting methods means you have no need for
chemical fertilizers or pest control methods.
• The compact nature of the SFG means that you have a larger harvest in a
smaller area, for less effort.
Even though this method of gardening does not require any heavy digging or raking out of
soil - does this mean that there is no effort involved at all, in order to grow fantastic healthy
Ha ha - you wish! Joking apart however the fact is that anything worthwhile doing requires
effort of some kind - it is a sort of universal law. Employing methods such as Square Foot
Gardening though, ensures maximum returns on the minimal effort you have put into your
Ifyouaretrulylookingforaneffortlesswaytoproducevegetables; Icantellyouthereisno
such thing -unless a trip downto the supermarket can be included; although even that takes
effort, only of a different kind!
the goods' and there is something intensely satisfying in the whole process of growing your
own vegetables, picking them from the plant, cooking them and presenting them at family
Apart from the fact that they are the healthiest vegetables you will ever consume, there is
a great satisfaction in growing your own food that goes beyond mere effort and produc-
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