Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Solanaceae (Potato & Tomato Family):
Aubergine, potato, peppers, tomato.
Umbelliferae (carrot & Root Family):
Celery, celeriac, fennel, carrot, coriander, parsnip, parsley, dill.
Alliums (Onion Family):
Garlic, shallot, chive, leek and all varieties of onion.
Cucurbits (Squash & Marrow Family):
Cucumber, courgette, marrow, melon, pumpkin, squash.
Chenopodiaceae (Beetroot Family):
Beetroot, perpetual spinach, Swiss chard, spinach,
Miscellaneous Plants:
All fruit, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, basil, lettuce, cress, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet-
corn, asparagus, okra, salsify, corn salad, chicory
General Guidelines/summary :
Brassicas follow Legumes:
The general rule in crop rotation is that Brassicas follow Legumes. This means that you
would sow crops such as cauliflower, cabbage and kale on soil previously occupied with
peas and beans. This means that the Brassicas will benefit from the nitrogen rich soil that
the Legumes have left behind.
Roots don't like rich soil:
Root vegetables should not be planted in very rich or over fertilized soil, as the leafy part
of the veg will bloom at the expense of the edible root itself. Whenever possible, plant
parsnips for instance the season after more demanding crops such as brassicas have broken
down the rich soil.
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