Agriculture Reference
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Marigolds planted next to carrots attract hover flies, who's larvae in turn eat aphids.
The smell of the marigold flowers also confuse the carrot fly
Good companions include beans, peas, onions, lettuce, tomato, and radish.
Including chives in the area will improve flavour and growth, while onions or leeks will
distract the carrot fly by masking the scent of the carrots; as will sage or rosemary.
Bean, tomato and cabbage family make good companions for celery.
Nasturtium, chives and garlic deters aphids and other bugs.
Good companions are Potato, pumpkin, squash, tomato and cucumber.
French marigold deters beetles and attracts aphids from tomatoes.
Good companions include, cabbage, beans, cucumber, radish, tomato.
Marigold and Nasturtium are good for attracting to themselves, aphids and beetles.
Oregano is a good all round pest deterrent.
Cabbage, carrot, beet, onion, and strawberry are all good companions for Lettuce.
Chives and garlic discourage aphids.
Companions include pumpkin, radish, corn, and squash.
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