Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The following price categories for eating listings refer to the average price of a main dish,
not including drinks.
less than Skr100
€€ Skr100-Skr200
€€€ more than Skr200
For more on Food in Sweden, see ( Click here ).
Gay & Lesbian Travellers
Sweden is a famously liberal country; it was a leader in establishing gay and lesbian re-
gistered partnerships, and since 2009 its gender-neutral marriage law has given same-sex
married couples the same rights and obligations as heterosexual married couples. The na-
tional organisation for gay and lesbian rights is Riksförbundet för Sexuellt Likaberättig-
ande (RFSL; 08-501 62 900; ; Sveavägen 57-59) .
There are gay bars and nightclubs in the big cities, but ask local RFSL societies or your
home organisation for up-to-date information. The Spartacus International Gay Guide, pub-
lished by Bruno Gmünder Verlag (Berlin), is an excellent international directory of gay en-
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