Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Strömsund marks the beginning of the most spectacular drive in Sweden. The Vildmarks-
vägen (Wilderness Rd; Rte 342) runs northwest towards the mountains before skirting
the Norwegian border and winding its way back to the E45.
Head north out of Strömsund through through dense evergreen forest, stopping by one
of many pristine lakes - perfect for skinny dipping, since you're unlikely to encounter
anyone else. If you're lucky, you may spot a bear, a wolverine, an elk or lynx.
Ninety-two kilometres northwest, you reach a worthwhile detour just south of
1 Bågedde. A rocky track leads towards the impressive 43m 2 Hälls
allet, a power-
ful waterfall that tumbles into an 800m-long canyon. Near the Norwegian border, another
40km west, is 3 Gädde
ddedde, the only village with a petrol station. At the Gäddede tourist
office you can arrange a spelunking tour of the 4 Korallg
allgrotan (Coral Cave) - Sweden's
longest cave 11km north of 5 SStora Blå
a Blåsjjön, a lake 50km north of Gäddede.
Before reaching the lake, you can turn off to the 6 MMouuntain Mo
e Mooseparrk, a
good stop for elk-viewing and cake. Just past the lake, a small road leads to 7 Annkaredde,
a centuries-old meeting place for the local Sami, who gather at its 1898 chapel for Mid-
summer celebrations.
Beyond Stora Blåsjon village, Rte 345 climbs up onto the vast, boulder-strewn, desol-
ate 8 SStekk
in Moose Mo
okk plateau, snow covered even in summer, before descending to the tiny
village of 9 Klim
ekkenjjokk pla
äll (this stretch of road is closed October to early June). A turn-off
13km east leads to the late-18th-century Sami church village at a Fatmomakk
akke, where
you find traditional Sami kåtor(wooden dwellings) and log cabins.
Twenty kilometres further east, you reach the fishermen's paradise of b Sax
Saxnäs, a
small village set in a scenic spot between lakes.
Another 89km brings you to the Vildmarksvägen/E45 junction. If you get here early
enough, you can grab a meal at the excellent c MMartin B
in Bergmans F
s Fisk
isk smokery before
driving the final 3km south to d Vilh
elmiina for a well-earned rest.
0940 / Pop 3657
The main attraction of quiet little Vilhelmina, in the heart of Lappland's huntin' an' fishin'
country, is its restored 18th-century Kyrkstaden (Storgatan) (church town), whose 30-plus
cottages are now the town's hostel, run by the tourist office (
0940-398 86;
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