Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Just 10km south of Böda, come here for all-you-can-eat evenings, with whole spit-roasted
lamb and pork on the menu, plus live entertainment. The restaurant is particularly family-
Central Öland
Fortresses, a zoo and a charming farm village are central Öland's star attractions. The
largest settlement is Färjestaden (Ferry Town), where you'll find banks, services and a
Systembolaget liquor store. The town lost its purpose in life after the bridge was built, al-
though an effort has been made to rejuvenate the old jetty.
Sights & Activities
The largest Iron Age ring fort in Sweden, Gråborg ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ) was built as the
Roman Empire was crumbling. Its impressively monumental walls measure 640m around,
even though much of the stonework was plundered for later housing. After falling into dis-
use, the fort sprang back to life around 1200, when the adjacent St Knut's chapel (now a
ruin) was built. The Gråborg complex is about 8km east of Färjestaden; you need your
own transport to get there.
The vast Ismantorp fortress ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ) , with the remains of 88 houses and
nine mysterious gates, is deep in the woods, about 20km northeast of Ölands Djurpark.
Drive north to Rälla and take a right on Högsrumsvägen; keep following this road for
about 10km to reach the fortress. It's an undisturbed fortress ruin, illustrating how the vil-
lage's tiny huts were encircled by the outer wall. ( Eketorp , in southern Öland, is an ima-
ginative reconstruction of similar remains.) This area, just south of the Ekerum-Långlöt
road, can be visited at any time.
A 17km hiking trail leads from Gråborg to Ismantorp fortress.
Himmelsberga MUSEUM
( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; 0485-56 10 22; ; Himmelsberga; adult/
child Skr80/60; 11am-5.30pm daily Jun-mid-Aug, shorter hours rest of year)
This is the best open-air museum on Öland; basically a traditional farming village on the
east coast at Långlöt, its quaint cottages are fully furnished. There's hay in the mangers
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