Graphics Programs Reference
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Double-click on the road cone to open its Timeline. It contains two frames. Frame 1
contains the cone, and frame 2 contains a cactus illustration. Both images are vector
graphics created in Flash using the drawing tools. The actions layer holds a simple
stop() action. Notice that the registration point is not in the center but at the bottom
of the objects. This is done for placement in 3D space (Figure 11.12).
The text at the top of the interface is a mixture of static and dynamic text. Dynamic
text is used to keep track of the time left in the game and the player's score (Figure
11.13). The last scene, score , provides dynamic feedback when the game is over.
Figure 11.13 Dynamic text displays the game time and user's score.
The concept of this game is to drive through an obstacle course. The obstacles are
randomly placed in 3D space. A “camera” moves through the 3D space based on the
arrow keys pressed. Figure 11.14 illustrates the game structure. Figure 11.15 shows
what the player sees while playing the game.
Figure 11.14 Test Drive concept
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