Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The first frame in the intro scene is the title screen for the game. It contains three
buttons that navigate the player to the help screen, game scene, or quit. Frame 2 con-
tains instructions on how to play the game (Figure 11.9).
Figure 11.9 Test Drive title and help screen
The intro scene also contains a countdown animation starting on frame 3. When the
player clicks on the play button, Flash navigates to this frame. The animation plays and
leads into the next scene, which contains the game engine (Figure 11.10). This gives
the player some time to get ready to interact with the game.
Figure 11.10 Animation leads into the game
The game scene holds all the components for the driving game (Figure 11.11). The
graphics illustrate the inside of the car. The player is visually placed behind the steering
wheel looking out the windshield at the desert environment.
The environment is made up of three layers. One layer contains a movie clip instance
labeled sky_mc. A second layer contains a movie clip instance labeled hills_mc . These
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