Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 6.7 ( a) High magnification SEM image of the film showing the rough side that faced the
subphase. The inset shows the electron diffraction pattern of the film by TEM. ( b ) A schematic
representation of the experimental setup for preparing CaCO 3 thin films at the interface of the
air/aqueous subphase. (Reproduced from [ 64 ], Copyright ©1998, American Chemical Society)
Furthermore, Wegner and co-workers investigated that the photochemical de-
composition of pyruvic acid, 4-benzoylphenyl acetic acid and 2-nitro-phenylacetic
gave ill-defined morphologies of calcium carbonate contaminated by organic by-
products [ 63 ]. Alkaline hydrolysis of dimethyl- and diethyl-carbonate can yield
ACC in form of nanospheres with narrow distribution of radius. The formation of
spherical ACC particles is rationalized in terms of a liquid-liquid phase separation
followed by rapid gelation of the droplet phase of high concentration of CaCO 3 .
A lower critical solution temperature is necessary and its value can be estimated
as 283 K.
The Kitano Method
Xu and co-workers described a strategy in which the slow release of carbon dioxide
by the unstable calcium bicarbonate [ 64 ]. They have synthesized continuous and
macroscopic calcium carbonate thin films with a thickness ranging from 400 to
600 nm. The thin films were synthesized at air/subphase interfaces by promoting
mineral deposition with amphiphilic porphyrin templates, coupled with growth
inhibition by the use of poly (acrylic acid) as a soluble inhibitor. Films obtained
in the early stage of formation at lower temperature (277 K) revealed characteristics
of a single amorphous phase. The results provide new insights into the biomineral-
inhibitor-template interaction and a new mechanism for synthesizing ACC. The
experimental setup for preparing the amorphous thin film is showed in Fig. 6.7
[ 64 ]. The Ca (HCO 3 ) 2 subphase was prepared by bubbling CO 2 gas into Milli-
Q deionized water in the presence of CaCO 3 for 2 h. Excess solid CaCO 3 was
removed by filtering, and the filtrate was purged with CO 2 for another hour. The
freshly synthesized Ca (HCO 3 ) 2 was immediately mixed with sodium polyacrylate
solution to reach a final polymer concentration in the range of 10-40 ppm. Then,
a porphyrin monolayer was deposited onto the surface of the subphase from a
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