Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
My Dashboard: Use this option to search for tags on your own posts and any of the
blogs you follow.
My Posts: This search option limits your tag search to just the content inside your
own posts.
Help Docs: Use this option to access Tumblr's Help Center, where you can search
for answers about a particular keyword or feature.
Figure 8-1: Choose the Search Tags option to search Tumblr for specific tags, keywords, or key phrases.
To search Tumblr for a particular tag, follow these steps:
1. In the Search field on the Dashboard sidebar, enter a tag or keyword.
For best results, enter only a single word or phrase, such as “Mario” or “chocolate
chip cookies” rather than a list of words separated by commas.
2. If needed, select the Search Tags option from the search field drop-down menu
(refer to Figure 8-1).
You may also choose to search your Dashboard, your posts, or the help docs.
3. Press Enter/Return to initiate the search.
Your search results appear in the center of the page in a long list of posts from all
over the world. If no results are found that match your search, the words No posts
found appear on the screen.
4. Explore your search results.
If you find any posts you enjoy, you can Like and Reblog them by clicking the Reb-
log link and heart icon at the top of each post (see Chapter 7 for details).
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