Graphics Programs Reference
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Exercise 1.6: use transparent Commands
to Draw like a Civil Engineer
In this exercise, you will use one of the Transparent Commands to draw a line
by bearing and distance.
If you haven't already done so, go to the topic's web page at
go/civil3d2015essentials a nd download the files for Chapter 1. Unzip the files
to the correct location on your hard drive according to the instructions in the
introduction. Then, follow these steps:
You can dock and
undock the Transparent
Commands toolbar by
dragging the double
line at the end of the
toolbar to the appro-
priate location.
1. Launch Civil 3D 2015, and open the file named Line By Bearing.dwg .
2. Click the Type a command prompt on the command line. Type LINE ,
and press Enter.
3. When prompted to specify the first point, click a point near the center
of the screen.
4. When prompted to specify the next point, click Bearing Distance on
the Transparent Commands toolbar. Refer to Figure 1.11 for the loca-
tion of this command.
5. When prompted for a quadrant, either type 1 and press Enter or click
in the upper-right quadrant created by the crosshairs on the screen.
6. When prompted for the bearing, type 45 and press Enter.
7. When prompted for the distance, type 500 ( 150 ) and press Enter.
Press Esc twice to exit the command. You have just drawn a line
that is 500 feet (150 meters) long at a bearing of N 45° E.
8. Save and close the drawing.
To view the results of completing the exercise successfully, you can open
Line By Bearing - Complete.dwg .
using the inquiry tool
Most of the time, you'll be the one providing the information for a drawing.
Sometimes, however, you need your drawing to tell you something. That's where
the Inquiry Tool comes in. The Inquiry Tool is a separate window whose sole pur-
pose is to give you information about things in the drawing. There is a long list of
drawing items from which to choose, and beneath each item is a list of things that
you can ask about (see Figure 1.12).
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