Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
understanding Parcels
Quite often, a land-development project involves the purchase, consolidation, or
subdivision of a piece of real estate. Even if this isn't the case, the boundary of the
developed property must be accurately depicted in the design drawings. It must
also be marked in the field to ensure that neighboring properties aren't encroached
on. Yet another potential aspect of a land-development project is accurately deter-
mining the location of rights-of-way and easements, whether existing or proposed.
Through parcel objects and their associated commands and annotations, the
AutoCAD ® Civil 3D ® software environment provides you with tools for creating,
analyzing, and displaying legal boundaries efficiently and accurately.
understanding Parcel objects
As you have seen with other Civil 3D features, Civil 3D makes use of specialized
objects to perform specific tasks. Creating parcels is no different. It involves the
use of specialized objects whose behavior makes the process of creating and modi-
fying parcels as efficient as possible. The objects that are applied in this case are
called parcel segments . You can think of parcel segments as lines and curves that
have been identified as sides of a parcel. They can be drawn from scratch using
a special toolbar, or they can be created by converting lines, arcs, and polylines.
Parcel segments must be assigned to a site so Civil 3D understands that they
should react to one another. When parcel segments in the same site form a closed
shape, that shape becomes a parcel object . This is a unique arrangement because
you can't directly create a parcel object; instead, you create other objects to form a
closed area, and then Civil 3D creates the parcel object for you (see Figure 12.1).
FiGuRE 12.1 The four parcel segments on the left don't form a closed shape; therefore,
no parcel is created. On the right, a parcel object is created automatically, as shown by the black
outline and the LOT 1 label.
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