Graphics Programs Reference
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full model. As you construct the assembly, you're looking at a static version of the
cross-sectional geometry of the road. This version doesn't reflect the way in which
the subassemblies interact with the targets you have assigned to them. However,
the Section Editor enables you to view each assembly insertion in cross-section
view, including any interactions involving targets. In addition, you can use the
Section Editor to make edits to each corridor section and perfect your design
down to the smallest detail.
When you click Section Editor on the ribbon, a Section Editor ribbon tab
provides you with the tools you need to configure and navigate in the editor
(see Figure 10.1). It can be very helpful to divide your drawing area into two or
three viewports so you can see the section viewer alongside the “normal” view
of your drawing. In fact, a great feature of the tool is that it displays a marker
on the alignment and profile that indicates the location of the section you're
viewing. Thus with three viewports available (plan, profile, and section), you
can view your design from three different perspectives at once.
FiGuRE 10.1 The Section Editor ribbon tab
As the name implies, you can also use the Section Editor to edit your corridor
design. This is done with the Parameter Editor command found on the Section
Editor ribbon tab. This command shows all the subassemblies and their associated
settings at a specific location on the corridor. These settings can be overridden one
corridor section at a time, or the overrides can be applied to a range of stations.
The changes you make here are stored as overrides within the corridor.
Exercise 10.1: view and Edit with the
Section Editor
In this exercise, you'll use the Section Editor to view the corridor design for Jordan
Court in section view and then remove unwanted ditches from the design.
If you haven't already
done so, download
and install the files for
Chapter 10 according to
the instructions in the
1. Open the drawing named Using Section Editor.dwg located in the
Chapter 10 class data folder.
2. In the left viewport, click one of the blue corridor lines to select the
corridor. Then click in the upper-right viewport, and click Section
Editor on the ribbon.
The view shown in the upper-right viewport changes to display
a cross section of the corridor at the location you picked before
launching the Section Editor command (see Figure 10.2).
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