Graphics Programs Reference
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this grip changes location, and the curve to the right changes its
beginning and ending points to remain tangent (see Figure 5.9).
8. Close the drawing without saving.
Because this drawing was not changed, there is no “completed” version of
the drawing.
FiGuRE 5.9 Moving the tangent midpoint grip
Editing Alignments using the
Alignment layout tools
Grips are wonderful tools to edit geometry that is already there, but what if you
need to add a PI or draw a curve? For that, you need the Alignment Layout Tools
toolbar (see Figure 5.10). This toolbar is the same one you used initially to lay
out the alignment.
FiGuRE 5.10 Alignment Layout Tools toolbar
Exercise 5.4: Apply the Alignment Editing tools
In this exercise, you'll edit the Jordan Court alignment using the Alignment
Editing Tools. The goal is to create a perpendicular intersection where Jordan
Court meets Emerson Road.
If you haven't already done so, go to the topic's web page at
go/civil3d2015essentials and download the files for Chapter 5. Unzip the files
to the correct location on your hard drive according to the instructions in the
introduction. Then, follow these steps:
1. Open the drawing named Editing Tools.dwg located in your
Chapter 05 class data folder.
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