Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Despite impressive gains in crop yields since the 1960s, agronomic production in
some regions with predominately small farmers has lagged behind the demand (e.g.,
SSA). Thus, food insecurity remains to be a problem (Kungu 2007), and about a bil-
lion people (one in seven) are food insecure (FAO 2013). Most chronically hungry
and malnourished people are poor farm families—small landholders who do not
have adequate resources to invest in modern innovations. Resource-poor farmers in
SSA have lagged behind in agricultural development (Eswaran et al. 1997).
There is no universal panacea, and there are wide ranges of generic technological
options that must be adopted and fine-tuned under site-specific conditions (Table 1.5).
Technological Options for Adaptations to Changing Climate and Alleviation
of Soil-Related Constraints by Small Landholders of the Tropics
1. Diversification and intensification of
small-scale irrigation
Northern Ghana
Laube et al. (2012)
2. Using manure, compost, and cover
crops, and varying N input according
to seasonal rainfall
Sub-Saharan Africa
Masvaya et al. (2010)
3. Integrated soil fertility management
Sub-Saharan Africa
Bekunda et al. (2010), Cobo
et al. (2009), Snapp et al. (1998)
4. Water harvesting by Zai-type pitting
Sub-Saharan Africa
Bekunda et al. (2010), Cobo
et al. (2009), Snapp et al. (1998)
5. Manure management
Rufino et al. (2007)
6. An improved understanding of soil
fertility variability/gradient and the
nutrient management
Zingore et al. (2007)
7. Drip irrigation
Postel et al. (2001)
8. Improved management of organic
residues with low level or inorganic
fertilizer input
Andean Highlands
Fonte et al. (2012)
9. Biological N fixation
Southeast Asia
Shiferaw et al. (2004)
10. Symbiotic N fixation
Shiferaw et al. (2004)
11. Preserving soil organic matter
Binder and Patzel (2001)
12. N-fixing legumes in agroforestry
Brazilian Amazon
McGrath et al. (2000)
13. Risk-reducing options
Andean Bolivia
Ellis-Jones and Mason (1999)
14. Precision farming
Booltink et al. (2001)
15. Integrated use of soil and water
Semiarid tropics
Zingore et al. (2008)
16. Alley cropping/agroforestry
Humid tropics
Aguiar et al. (2009), Cooper
et al. (1996), Sanchez (2000)
17. Soil organic matter management
Craswell and Lefroy (2001),
Palm et al. (2001), Cassman
et al. (1996)
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