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Nadu over access to water in the Cauvery River. Energy subsidies for irrigation
and undervaluing of the scarce resources are the causes of groundwater overdraft,
depleted aquifers, salinized soils, and other cases of the tragedy of commons. There
exists a strong link between food security, soil security, water security, and climate
security. Following the Cornucopian hypothesis, adverse effects of climate change
on water scarcity may enhance adaptation and increase in water productivity (WP).
The strategy is to enhance synergisms between science, culture, and religions to
resolve conflicts and promote the use of water-saving adaptive technologies. Water
occupies a central place in the practice and beliefs of most religions that encour-
age stewardship and forbid overuse and pollution. While building on the scientific
knowledge, diverse cultures and religions offer a distinct perspective related to moral
ethics and stewardship.
Global- and continental-scale climate change has been caused by natural processes
throughout the history of Earth beginning ~4.5 billion years ago. Over and above the
effects of the motion of tectonic plates, volcanism and seismic activities, the earth's
climate has also been influenced by the orbital/astronomic cycles (Gunatilaka 2009):
(i) the 100,000-year eccentric cycle, (ii) 40,000-year tilt, and (iii) 19,000-21,000-
year processional cycles. With the onset of the industrial revolution since ~1750, how-
ever, anthropogenic perturbations have become a major force similar to or bigger
than even some geologic forces. These anthropogenic forces are strongly influencing
the climate, water quality, atmospheric chemistry, biodiversity and species extinction,
and other factors that moderate the environment and climate. Thus, the era since
1750 has been appropriately termed “the Anthropocene” (Crutzen and Stoermer
2000; Crutzen 2002). Whereas fossil fuel combustion is a major factor influencing
atmospheric chemistry and the radiative forcing related to enrichment of greenhouse
gases (GHGs) (i.e., CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O) (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
2013), atmospheric brown cloud, generated by the combustion of traditional fuels, is
strongly influencing the climate of South Asia (Ramamathan et al. 2005). Evidences
of the influence of the Anthropocene on climate change are also reported in South
Asia (Gunatilaka 2009). In this regard, the impact of China and India, the emerging
economic giants of the world (Bawa et al. 2010), on regional and global environments
cannot be overstated. In addition to rising demands of energy and water by the grow-
ing and ever-affluent societies, there are multiple pressures on biodiversity, especially
those of subalpine and alpine regions of the Himalayan ranges and of the mangrove
ecosystems of coastal and deltaic zones such as the Sundarban of the Gangetic delta.
In this regard, the development of roads and other infrastructures also strongly influ-
ence the hydrologic processes (Cuo et al. 2008) and the environment. Agricultural
expansion, increases in irrigated agriculture, and heavy use of fertilizers and pesti-
cides have strongly influenced soil quality by accelerated erosion, water quality by
nonpoint source pollution, and atmospheric quality by the emission of soot and par-
ticulate matter (dust) along with trace gases from soil (e.g., CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O).
This chapter describes the scarcity of water resources in India and South Asia,
and discusses the impact of the projected climate change. Water, being one of the
two principal natural resources (the other is soil) affected by climate change, is used
as an example to describe policy, social, and religious approaches for its sustainable
use and management.
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