Agriculture Reference
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minimal use of water (Randhawa and Abrol 1990), as well as the control of nutrient
levels, which can be supplied along with the irrigation water (Schwab et al. 1993; Hla
and Scherer 2003). Such microirrigation techniques, together with water harvesting,
will have to be exploited to the fullest extent if we are to meet agricultural water
requirements under intensive crop production in the future.
6.4.7 o ther h olIstIC M anageMent a pproaChes
Increasing the efficiency and productivity of agricultural systems while ensuring sus-
tainability in the face of ever-increasing demands, will, undoubtedly require holis-
tic, integrated approaches that incorporate environmentally sound land, water, crop,
livestock, and pest management (Figure 6.3). Latif et al. (2005) compared three rice
cultivation methods in the Comilla District of Bangladesh and found that the existing
best management practice of the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute gave significantly
better performance, higher yields, higher profit, and lower cost than the System of Rice
Intensification or conventional farmer practice. These intensive practices and improved
technologies may be site specific and have to be adjusted to local conditions. Other
studies in China also indicated that integrated crop-soil management practices hold
potential to increase crop yields without posing adverse environmental risks. Chen
et al. (2011) used a hybrid-maize simulation model to determine the optimum combina-
tion of planting date, crop density, and plant variety to apply at a particular site based
on long-term weather data. Nearly double the yield (13 Mg ha −1 ) of current farmer prac-
tice was obtained without increasing the nitrogen fertilizer dose. Thus, substantially
Improved soil
and land
of agriculture
Ecient water
management and
crop use
Better crop and
pest management
policies and
FIGURE 6.3 Simultaneous measures needed to achieve sustainable agricultural intensifica-
tion in the Himalayan region.
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