Agriculture Reference
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under mulching and reduced tillage practices in the central mid-hills of Nepal as
shown in Table 6.5. Similarly, Tiwari et al. (2009) reported considerable reductions
in soil and nutrient losses compared with traditional farming practices and com-
mercial vegetable cultivation in a mid-hill watershed of central Nepal (Table 6.6).
Although yields were lower under reduced tillage, as can be expected in the early
years, the overall income was not much lower owing to reduced labor inputs com-
pared with traditional farming.
Cropping System Effects on Runoff, Soil, and Nutrient Losses from Upland
Agriculture in the Nepal Mid-Hills
Soil Loss
TN Loss
AP Loss
EK Loss
Cropping System
(Mg ha −1 )
(kg ha −1 )
CT, maize
15.8 a
0.34 a
18.8 a
1.9 a
4.0 a
CT, maize + SB
17.3 a
0.31 a
18.8 a
1.9 a
4.4 a
Mulch, maize
9.3 bc
0.17 b
9.6 b
1.0 bc
2.3 b
Mulch, maize + SB
8.3 b
0.15 b
9.1 b
0.8 b
2.2 b
RT, maize
10.8 bc
0.23 c
11.9 b
0.9 bc
2.6 b
RT, maize + SB
11.4 c
0.21 c
11.7 b
1.1 c
2.7 b
Source: Adapted from Atreya, K., S., Sharma, R.M. Bajracharya, and N.P. Rajbhandari, Journal of
Environmental Management , 88, 547, 2008.
Note: AP, available phosphorus; EK, exchangeable potassium; SOM, soil organic matter; TN, total
nitrogen. Means with the same superscript letter (a, b, or c) are not significantly different.
Annual Soil and Nutrient Losses and Crop Yields (Means ± SE) as Influenced
by Farming Systems in the Central Nepal Mid-Hills
SOC Loss
TN Loss
Soil Loss
(Mg ha −1  y −1 )
Annual Average
Yield (Mg ha −1 y −1 )
Gross Income
(NRs. ha −1 y −1 )
(kg ha −1 y −1 )
1.22 ± 0.46
25.5 ± 12.3
5.3 ± 2.1
4.07 ± 0.22 a
21,860 ±
2393 a
Reduced till
1.02 ± 0.36
17.5 ± 6.8
3.9 ± 1.5
2.07 ± 0.25 b
20,353 ±
2469 a
1.27 ± 0.43
24.5 ± 11.4
5.6 ± 2.1
3.64 ± 0.15 a
34,721 ±
4621 b
Source: Modified from Tiwari, K.R., B.K. Sitaula, R.M. Bajracharya, and T. Borresen, Nutrient
Cycling in Agroecosystems , 86, 241-253, 2009.
Note: NRs., Nepali rupees (USD 1 = NRs. 78 approx.); SOM, soil organic matter; TN, total nitrogen.
Means with the same superscript letter (a or b) are not significantly different.
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