Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
THE RASPBERRY PI Camera Module comes with software designed to capture still images
and videos, each of which has a variety of options that can control the final output. Options
for raspistill, raspiyuv and raspivid are included in this appendix. For more
information, see Chapter 15, “The Raspberry Pi Camera Module”.
Shared Options
The following options, listed in alphabetical order, are shared between raspistill,
raspiyuv and raspivid . For application-specific options, see the individual
raspistill, raspiyuv and raspivid entries later in this appendix.
-? or --help (Help)— Displays all options and their uses.
-awb or --awb (Automatic White Balance)— Sets the colour temperature of the cap-
tured image or video according to one of a series of pre-set configurations. If your
image or video appears blue or orange, try adjusting this option first. Possible values
for this option are: off , auto , sun , cloud , shade , tungsten , fluorescent ,
incandescent , flash , horizon .
-br or --brightness (Brightness)— Adjusts the brightness of the captured image or
video. Possible values for this option are whole numbers ranging from 0 (minimum
brightness) to 100 (maximum brightness).
-cfx or --colfx (Colour Efects)— Allows the user to adjust the YUV colour space for
fine-grained control of the final image. Values should be given as U:V, where U controls
the chrominance and V the luminance. A value of 128:128 will result in a greyscale
-co or --contrast (Contrast)— Adjusts the contrast of the captured image or video.
Possible values for this option are whole numbers ranging from -100 (minimum con-
trast) to 100 (maximum contrast).
-d or --demo (Demonstration Mode)— he -d option runs either raspistill or
raspivid in demonstration mode, which displays a preview that cycles through vari-
ous camera options. In this mode, no image is captured—even if you specify an output
file using the --output option.
-ev or --ev (Exposure Value)— Allows the camera to increase or decrease its exposure
value, brightening or darkening the captured image or video. Unlike the brightness
and contrast settings, this affects the actual capturing of the image or video. Possible
values are -10 to 10, with 0 being the default.
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