Hardware Reference
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Replace ipaddress in this code with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. If you've given the
Raspberry Pi a hostname in DNS, you can also create a configuration file for that hostname
using the same command, but replacing ipaddress with the chosen hostname. If you do
not have a hostname, simply use the Pi's IP address. For example, the command for a Pi on
IP address would be as follows:
sudo ln -s /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php ↵
To complete configuration for external access, choose General from the Settings menu that's
located on the left side of the WordPress Dashboard, and change the URL to match either
the IP address of the Pi or the chosen hostname (see Figure 10-8).
Figure 10-8:
Altering the
URL in the
General Settings
WordPress is very memory intensive. For best results, use the Pi as a headless server , which
is a system that runs without a graphical user interface loaded. Then use a web browser on
another computer connected to the network to access the WordPress Dashboard at http://
ipaddress /wordpress/wp-login.php . Accessing the WordPress Dashboard directly on
the Pi can result in a very long wait!
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