Database Reference
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To run an XSLT stylesheet over some XML from within XQuery, you need to use an
extension module . Extension modules are, well, extensions to the basic XQuery capa‐
bilities. eXist has lots of them, and we devote all of Chapter 7 to the subject. An over‐
view (and all function documentation) is accessible through the XQuery Function
Documentation app, available through the dashboard.
Transforming documents with XSLT is done with the transform extension module.
A little XQuery script that performs this transformation is shown in Example 2-5 ,
and its result in Figure 2-5 .
Example 2-5. Using XSLT with the transform extension module
xquery version "3.0" ;
declare option exist:serialize "method=html media-type=text/html" ;
transform:transform (
doc ( "/db/apps/exist-book/getting-started/xml-example.xml" ),
doc ( "/db/apps/exist-book/getting-started/convert-items.xslt" ),
Figure 2-5. Result of the XSLT transformation
Notice that the transform extension module was not explicitly declared in the
XQuery script. eXist does this implicitly for you. The third parameter of trans
form:transform , which here is passed an empty sequence, can contain parameters
for the stylesheet.
More about using XSLT transformations within eXist can be found in “XSLT” on
page 238 .
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