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Signs the built JAR files so that they may be used in a security-restricted environment such as Java Web
Start or a restricted application server.
The default build target. Builds the eXist source code, the Java Service Wrapper, the betterFORM XForms
extension, the extension modules, and EXPath package support.
A useful shortcut when making changes and rebuilding; calls the targets clean and then all .
Builds a distribution of eXist. The result is a folder in $EXIST_HOME/dist that can be distributed to other
machines and installed.
There are also dist-zip and dist-tgz targets, which will create a ZIP file or tarball, respectively,
under $EXIST_HOME/dist for you to distribute to other machines and install.
Creates a WAR file in $EXIST_HOME/dist that can be deployed to any Java application server, such as
Apache Tomcat.
You can create installers for eXist, just like the binary releases provided on SourceForge. On completion
the installers can be found in $EXIST_HOME/installer .
However, this takes a little more effort, as you need to install the supporting tools IzPack 4.3.5 and
Launch4j . The paths to the supporting tools then need to be configured in $EXIST_HOME/ .
Similar to installer , but specific to Mac OS X. Creates a self-contained application and packages it
in an Apple disk image (as a .dmg file). On completion, the disk image can be found in $EXIST_HOME/
dist .
There is also an app-signed target, which does the same as app but also signs the application. You
will, however, need a valid Apple developer certificate installed for this to work. For further details, see .
If you are making modifications to the eXist source code, it is essential to execute the test suite to
ensure that you have not introduced any regressions. The output of the test suite can be found in the
web page report located at $EXIST_HOME/test/junit/html/index.html .
Example 16-15. Typical sequence of building eXist from source code
git clone
git checkout tags/eXist-2.1
Clone the eXist source code from GitHub. If you are planning to contribute, you
should first fork the repository and then clone your own fork.
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