Database Reference
In-Depth Information
XQuery Function Documentation
This is an application you'll probably use very often. It provides an overview of
all the functions available and their documentation in both the standard eXist
extension modules and your own XQuery modules. There's more about modules
in Chapter 7 .
eXist-db Documentation App
This app provides access to the eXist documentation.
eXide is a cool, handy, fully integrated editor for working with XQuery, XML,
and other resources stored in eXist. You can use it for a multitude of activities,
from writing complete applications to fiddling around and experimenting. Don't
miss it. Find more information in “eXide” on page 374 .
Playing Around
If you're like us, at this point you'll want to play around, try some XQuery, store
some XML, and perform other familiarization rituals. Get your feet wet and splash
around (without going into the deep end). Here is the quick recipe:
1. Open the dashboard: http://localhost:8080/exist .
2. Click on the eXide tile.
3. Click Login and log in as admin with the password set during installation.
4. Directly type some XQuery and run it.
5. If you want to see what's in the database, click File→Manage (or press
6. If you want to save your work or put some related files together, create a collec‐
tion for this underneath /db .
What's in Your Database
You can look inside the database using, among others, the Collections app in the
dashboard or the eXist Java Admin Client (see “The Java Admin Client” on page 29 ).
You'll see something that looks like a disk directory structure (but of course isn't). To
explain the terminology, what you might think of inside your database as a directory
is called a collection in XML database geek speak (more about this in “Terminology”
on page 88 ). Here are the most important collections:
The root collection in the database is always /db . You can't change this.
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