Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<parameter name= "elements" >
<rename from= "d" to= "e" />
<rename from= "e" to= "d" />
To test the example:
1. Store the following document into /db/test-data :
<c> should be removed </c>
<c> should also be removed </c>
<c> should not be removed </c>
<d> should be renamed to e </d>
<e> should be renamed to d </e>
2. Open the actual document stored into /db/test-data . You should see that it
instead contains something like the following:
<c> should not be removed </c>
<e> should be renamed to e </e>
<d> should be renamed to d </d>
Internal XQuery Library Modules
As you know by now, XQuery modules come in two varieties, main modules and
library modules . Main modules can be directly invoked, and execution begins at the
query body . Main modules may import other library modules, but a complete
XQuery may contain only a single main module. Library modules reside in a specific
namespace and contain function and variable declarations grouped by that name‐
space. Library modules do not have a query body, and thus there is no way to directly
execute a library module, but frameworks like RESTXQ (see “Building Applications
with RESTXQ” on page 215 ) and eXist's SOAP Server (see “SOAP Server” on page
362 ) are able to map HTTP requests onto specific library module function invoca‐
eXist provides two types of library modules:
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