Database Reference
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Implementation of your business logic.
Example 16-10 shows how to implement a simple XQuery library module that imple‐
ments the after-create-document function that eXist will call when a document is
stored into a collection on which the trigger has been configured. The collection con‐
figuration for that example might look like:
<collection xmlns= "" >
<trigger class= "org.exist.collections.triggers.XQueryTrigger" >
<parameter name= "url"
value= "xmldb:exist:///db/simple-example-trigger.xqm" />
<parameter name= "bindingPrefix"
value= "et" />
<parameter name= "log-level" value= "INFO" />
The URI to the XQuery library module in the database that provides the XQuery
The binding prefix, which must be the same as the XQuery library module's
namespace prefix
A parameter that is passed into the XQuery library module by binding to the
external variable named $example:log-level
To install the example:
1. Store the XQuery trigger into the database in a document located at /db/simple-
example-trigger.xqm .
2. Create the collection /db/test-trigger .
3. Create the collection /db/system/config/db/test-trigger .
4. Store the collection configuration document (see the preceding code block) into
the database in a document located at /db/system/config/db/test-trigger/collec‐
tion.xconf . This configures the trigger on the /db/test-trigger collection.
To test the example:
1. Store any document into /db/test-trigger .
2. Check the logfile $EXIST_HOME/webapp/WEB-INF/logs/exist.log . If everything
succeeded you should see a message in the log that looks similar to:
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