Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To deploy the StatsSystemTask to eXist, you need to create the collection /db/stats
(the permissions are not important, as each system task will be executed as the SYS
TEM user), stop eXist, and copy all of the files from scheduler-java-job/stats-system-
task-example/target/stats-system-task-example-1.0-assembly to $EXIST_HOME/lib/
user . You can then schedule the StatsSystemTask class to run hourly in
$EXIST_HOME/conf.xml by adding the following job definition to the scheduler con‐
figuration before restarting eXist:
<job type= "system" class= ""
name= "hourly-stats" cron-trigger= "0 0 0/1 * * ?" >
<parameter name= "stats-collection" value= "/db/stats" />
As an alternative to adding the StatsSystemTask to eXist's configuration file, while
you cannot schedule immediately using the XQuery scheduler extension module,
you can instead trigger the system task for almost immediate execution by using the
system:trigger-system-task function from the XQuery system extension module
(see system ):
system:trigger-system-task (
"" ,
<param name = " stats-collection " value = " /db/stats " />
While you cannot directly schedule a system task for execution
from XQuery, a possible workaround is to create a stub XQuery in
the database that simply calls system:trigger-task , and then
periodic-job .
Startup Triggers
Startup triggers are a very simple mechanism that enable you to implement a Java
class that has exclusive access to the database during the database's startup process. A
startup trigger is executed as the final phase, after the database server has initialized
but before it is made available for general use.
You may be wondering what you would use a startup trigger for. Typically, they are
used for performing computed configuration or adjustments to the database when it
is started. To illustrate their use, let's briefly look at the three startup triggers that
eXist provides for use during normal database startup:
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